Food Summer Schools in Berlin und Amsterdam

The Edible City“ heißt es diesen Sommer an der TU Berlin. Unter anderem Katrin Bohn, André Viljoen und Beatrice Walthall werden mit den Studenten auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhängen von Stadtgestalt und Ernährung gehen.

„With a focus on urban space and urban space production, this summer course explores how food – in all is aspects from producing to marketing to selling to composting – could become a better-integrated part of our cities. Focus of the course are the effects and consequences that our current and future food systems, and especially urban food production, may have on the shape, use and quality of open urban space. When exploring this, we use the European city as a reference working with Berlin as our case study example“

Anmeldungen sind bis zum 12. Mai bei der TU möglich.

Amsterdam’s Urban Food

Die Universität von Amsterdam bietet ein Sommerprogramm mit dem Titel „The Urban Food Experience: Exploring Food and the City“ an.

„Food and cities are intrinsically connected. Yet it is precisely in cities that we are less and less aware of this, as the production and processing of most of our food now takes place far away from where we live, out of sight and mind. The consequences of this global food system, however, become increasingly visible to us as city dwellers, especially in the Global South and especially in the poorer parts of our cities.“

Der Kurs findet vom 10. bis 28. Juli in Amsterdam statt und trotz der abgelaufenen Frist scheint es noch Restplätze zu geben.